Getting Engaged? Is Prepare/Enrich right for your relationship?
The PREPARE/ENRICH program can improve a couple's relationship, whether you are preparing to get married or would like to strengthen your existing relationship or marriage. It is for heterosexual and same-sex couples! The Prepare/Enrich program is custom tailored to a couple, who are provided with a relationship-specific, online inventory. This customized inventory can be completed in the comfort of your own home! This is not a survey. This is a researched based tool which has been used with over three million couples. A couple takes the inventory, then meets with a Prepare/Enrich Facilitator. The facilitator interprets the inventory and provides a couple with exercises. These exercises are designed to build upon existing relationship strengths, to increase relationship skills and to target areas of potential growth.
What is involved? 1. Contact Maryellen to discuss what inventory is right for your relationship. 2. Take an easy 30-45 minute online inventory in the comfort of your own home. 3. Meet as a couple with Maryellen to PREPARE for your upcoming marriage/commitment ceremony or to ENRICH your current relationship. 4. Minimum number of sessions recommended is FOUR.
Goals for Prepare/Enrich meetings include:
Understanding the role of temperament and personality in your relationship
Explore strength and growth areas
Improve communication skills
Gain tools to learn to resolve conflicts and reduce tension/stress