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Articles of Interest
Please click on the link below or cut and paste the link into your browser to view these articles from current online periodicals.
Topic: Media and Parenting
1. "The Phone in the Room" -
Description: Practical advice to consider the developmental age of your adolescent/teen and setting boundaries on where to use the phone.
2. "How to Cut Children's Screen Time? Say No to Yourself First" - action=click&pg®ion=CColumn&module=MostEmailed&version=Full&src=me&WT.nav=MostEmailed&_r=11.
Description: Parents are endangering children emotionally, cognitively and physically...and can learn to self-regulate to change it all!
3. "Steve Jobs Was a Low-Tech Parent" -®ion=CColumn&module=MostEmailed&version=Full&src=me&WT.nav=MostEmailed&_r=1
Description: High tech execs are low tech parents, rethinking screen use and limits for children.
4. "Video Games and Your Child's Brain" -
Description: Children are influenced by playing video games, understanding the "how and why," can help when you set limits.
5., "Wow, A Simple Set of Steps to Stop Cyberbullying From Happening to Your Kid" -
Description: An illustrated video to share with parents and children about what to do when cyberbullying happens.
6. "In Constant Digital Contact, We Feel 'Alone Together" -
Description: An interview on NPR with Sherry Turkle, author of Alone Together discusses communication changes with technology.
7. "Spring Cleaning Your Family's Media Habits: A How-to Guide" -
Description: Common Sense Media is the "go-to" resource to understand what your child is watching and whether or not is is age appropriate.
8. "Is Social Media Harmful" -
Description: is a resource with helpful and factual based articles for consumers about things and how things impact consumers when used, such as digital technology.
Topic: Parenting
1. "How to raise a brilliant child without screwing them up" -
Description: It's not all about the genes and perfect parenting, rather nurturing parenting.
2. "Why Children Need Chores" -
Description: The benefit of chores teaches children to develop empathy and care for others, amongst other things.
3. "Raising a Moral Child" -
Description: A look at how parenting shapes your child's character development, as well as your own.
4. "Why Fathers Really Matter" -
Description: Epigenetics explains why the well-being of children depends on both mother and father's health.
5. "Random Bedtimes Breed Bad Behavior In Kids" -
Description: A look at the science that supports establishing and following a regular bedtime for better behavior in kids.
6."Spoiled Rotten Why do kids rule the roost? by Elizabeth Kolbert"
Description: An interesting comparison of cultures sheds light on the American modern-life pattern of over-parenting.
7. "What's Behind A Temper Tantrum? Scientists Deconstruct the Screams" -
Description: This audio shares new information to understand temper tantrums and give practical intervention.
8. "Why a Teen Who Talks Back May Have A Bright Future" -
Description: This brief article explains why teens who argue with parents can make better choices with peers.
9. "Good Habits Start Early: Teaching Kids to Clean" -
Description: This article has great ideas and tips for enlisting kids to do chores well!
10. "The Surprising Secret to Raising a Well-Behaved Kid" -
Description: Teaching independence fosters improved regulation and behavior in kids.
Topic: Parenting in the Pandemic
"A Week of Snow Days'? Ha! Families Deal with Cabin Fever" -
Description: Parents go to some extremes to entertain kids at home, while staying sane. Maryellen Mullin was consulted and is quoted in this article.
Topic: Relationships
1. "How to Save Money in a Relationship According to Experts" -
Description: Experts way in on easy tips to save together. Maryellen Mullin was contributed to and is quoted in this article.
2. What's your attachment stye in an intimate relationship? -
Description: R. Chris Fraley, PhD, a Professor at the University of Illinois designed this assessment for interest and educational purposes.
3. The Gottman Relationship Blog -
Description: John and Julie Gottman host this blog with sound, researched-based relationship advice that is both practical and accessible!
4. "New Love - A Short Shelf Life" -
Description: While the honeymoon phase may not last, lasting love does with some support and surprise!
Topic: Sibling Relationships
1. "When Siblings Fight, Should You Step In?" -
Description: Dr. Peggy Drexler advises parents to support, not direct sibling relationships.
Topic: School Success for Children
1."What if the Secret to Success Is Failure?" -
Description: New research at how "grit" is a determining factor for success; teaching character education in schools is equally, if not more important than academics.
2. "Giving Disorganized Boys the Tools for Success" -
Description: A brief article looks at how taking time to help a student get organized will pay off in school.
3. "The Psych Approach" -
Description: An interesting NY Times opinion by David Brooks on Paul Tough’s book, “How Children Succeed.”
Topic: Wellness Information for Modern Life
1. "Fifteen Little Signs You Aren't Being Fully Authentic Every Day" -
Description: Ways to change habits and be true to yourself, for more connection with others. Maryellen Mullin contributed to and is quoted in this article.
2. "The Long Conversation" -®ion=opinion-c-col-right-region&WT.nav=opinion-c-col-right-region&_r=1
Description: A personal look at the benefits of long-term therapeutic support.
3. "Why Saying is Believing - The New Science of Self-Talk" -
Description: Using a specific kind of third-person self-talk can help you see yourself in an accepting and compassionate way.
4. "Editing Your Life's Stories Can Create Happier Endings" -
Description: How a simple method of writing can help you redirect how you react and respond to events.
5. "The 12 Cognitive Biases that prevent you from being rational" -
Description: Understanding how your mind works may open your understanding of yourself and others.
6. "The Anxious Idiot" -
Description: An interesting explanation and understanding of the how to look at anxiety and hope for those who think they can't do a thing to change.